Thursday, 28 October 2021

The Dial Up Returns! & Secular Verses published

After a year and a half in mothballs, The Dial Up is finally back! We've found a beautiful and unique new venue in the Amanartis Studios, a converted chapel in the centre of Vicarage Road cemetery. The moment I first visited I knew it would make a perfect home for our much loved celebration of community and creativity. So dust off your instruments, warm up your vocal chords and carve out a space in your diary for The Dial Up Open Mic!

The easiest way to get involved with The Dial Up is to come along! We always make new guests welcome and guarantee you a performance spot if you want one.

Our next event is:

2 - 4pm on Saturday 6th November 2021

at the Amanartis Studios
The Chapel in the Cemetery
Vicarage Road
Watford, WD18 0EJ

Bring any sheet music, instruments or creativity you choose! 
Song, dance, comedy, poetry, story telling all welcome! 
Tickets: £5 donation in interval.

Secular Verses, my new collection of poetry now available to buy on Amazon, explores my experiences as a secularist, atheist and humanist. With poems ranging from the thoughtful and lyrical to the comic and polemic, there's something to inspire every reader's interest and imagination. If you want a sneak peek, two of the poems are copied below, and you can also subscribe to the superb e-magazine Humanistically Speaking were I have a regular spot in Poet's Corner.

What’s a Humanist?


They trust in methodologies objective and specific

They describe observed phenomena in a manner scientific

They reject all explanations couched in ghosts or ghouls or spirits

They circumscribe their arguments with naturalistic limits

They ask to see the evidence before they reach conclusions

They prefer to confess ignorance than make up false solutions

They try to meet all human beings with kindness and compassion

And to treat all other animals in corresponding fashion

They’ve no evidence of afterlife, so reasonably deduce

That this is the one life that we have of any earthly use

They put aside the magical claims of many an ancient text

And instead use moral judgement to decide what to do next.

So, in answer to your question, having thought the whole thing through

I’d say it sounds a lot like me. Would you say it’s like you?

See the source image


What on Earth more wondrous 

Than a hummingbird exists?

Nature’s glory

Floating sharp, a sliver 

Silver in a liquid air

Purple-dash flash-blue of slicing 

Vibration, mocking gravity

Drinking deep the lees

Of floral nectar hidden

From less specialised imbibers.

Bobbing wonder

Flit of beauty

Pinnacle of process


Cousin of

All life.

The Dial Up @ Johnny's Bar! Where: Johnny's Bar, 96 QUEEN'S RD, WATFORD, WD17 2NX When: First Sunday of each month, 2-4pm Free e...