Wednesday, 11 December 2019

The Dial Up returns to Watford Palace Theatre!

Hello World, The Dial Up is back with a bang in 2020! 

Watford Palace Theatre have kindly agreed to host our monthly celebration of community and creativity, and as ever to start the New Year our theme is Anything Goes!

So dust off your ukuleles, tune up your guitars, pick a song or three and head along to WPT at 3pm on Saturday 25th January 2020 for the long-awaited and much-anticipated return of our inimitable Dial Up Open Mic! And as a special treat, I'll be introducing our new resident pianist, the marvellous Ricardo Fernandes!

There'll be an online link for tickets soon, which I'll add to this page. In the meantime if you're planning to come, click attending on our Facebook event so I can look forward to welcoming you! And if you fancy a look back at one of our earlier New Year Dial Ups at The Watford Palace Theatre, the have a watch of the video below. Happy memories! Hope to see you there and much love, Alex xx

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Great American Songbook at Watford Fringe Festival October 2019!

As part of 2019's WATFORD FRINGE FESTIVAL, Alex Williams invites you to join him as he escorts you through a range of fantastic melodies from the worlds of Hollywood, Broadway and Tin Pan Alley. For the literary buffs among you, Alex will also be sharing excerpts from some of his published works, including his young adult novel His Hidden Wings, and his poetry collection Black Iris. With something for all tastes, you’re guaranteed a sparkling show!

Time: 3pm – 4pm
Venue: The Palace Theatre – Studio Space
Date: Saturday 12th October
Ticket Price: £5

Book now at the Watford Fringe website!

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

His Hidden Wings available to buy on eBay!

My new book His Hidden Wings is now available to buy on eBay ! Click to buy your copy for your summer reading, it's the perfect holiday read! Much love, Alex xx

Friday, 12 July 2019

Interview on Radio Dacorum!

This week I was interviewed by Matt Hatton and Leslie Tate on Radio Dacorum. It was great fun, I was able to take about my books Wendy the Whale, Black Iris and His Hidden Wings, we got into some deep philosophy about Humanism, and I even got to sing live in the studio! If you fancy a listen, here's the link:

Hope you enjoy and much love! Alex xx

Saturday, 1 June 2019

The Dial Up presents... The Bright Sides!

The Bright Sides jazz band has now been signed to an agent! We're really looking forward to playing in various venues round London, and I'll do my best to post any events here. We'd love to have you join us!

And remember, if you want London's Happiest Jazz Band to bring the smiles at your party or event, just get in touch to hire us!

Email: or visit

Monday, 18 March 2019

The Dial Up takes a break!

Image may contain: 1 person, glasses

Thanks so much to everyone who came to our Heroes and Villains Dial Up in March! Both our first half guests treated us to a series of villainous runes, the marvellous Alex HW as a range of Disney despicable, and Charli Eglinton sharing songs from her new mafia-themed musical '8'. The hero of the night was open mic host Anthony (above) who charmed us all as he always does with his warmth and wit!

The Dial Up is going to take a break for a few months as we search for a new venue. We've had a wonderful year and a half at The London Improv Theatre, but unfortunately they can no longer accommodate us on a monthly basis. I look forward to finding a new home venue and getting our show back on the road as soon as possible!

Until then much love to everyone, stay in touch and see you soon! Alex xx

Friday, 22 February 2019

Heroes and Villains theme on Sunday 17th March!

Thanks to everyone who came to our Love Songs Dial Up in February, what a charming afternoon! Love was definitely in the air, with a wonderful open mic hosted by Tina Ogorman and two brilliant first half performances from Tracy Holtham (photo above) and Tom Lavin.

Do join us again at 3pm on Sunday 17th March for a St Patrick's Day drink and our usual celebration of community and creativity! This month our theme is HEROES and VILLAINS so prepared for tunes ranging from angelic to demonic, not least from the wonderful Alex HW (aka Alex the Younger) breathing life into a panoply of Disney villains! As ever, the theme is just for fun, interpret or ignore it as you choose. Hope to see you there!

All Welcome
£6 online/ £8 on the door

Monday, 21 January 2019

The Bright Sides at the first Dial Up of 2019!

Image may contain: 3 people

Thanks so much to everyone who made our first Dial Up of 2019 such a wonderful event! Special thanks to our performers Neil Maxfield, Stephen Thorne, Ricardo Fernandes, Kayla and Livia, Pol Penter, Jim Connor, Tina Ogorman, Herman Ringer, Matias Tobalo, Jon Medcalf, Mark McClelland, Gavin Brock, Ben Joseph, Steve McClennon (amazing photos Steve, thanks for posting!) and all our open mic section.

Particular thanks to the Bright Sides who were our house band for the day!

At 3pm on Sunday February 17th our theme is Love Songs for Valentine's Day, but expect a few surprise choices in there too, love isn't always about romance! So j
oin vocalist Alex Williams and the whole Dial Up family at The London Improv Theatre for a fantastic afternoon of performance and open mic! If you’re looking for a friendly and welcoming space to share your music, poetry, prose, drama, comedy, magic or dance, or just want a great night out, then come and join us!

All Welcome
Tickets £6 online/ £8 on the door

LGBT Dial Up 2025 now live on Youtube!

  Thank you so much to everyone who came along to The Dial Up Open Mic last night to celebrate the start of LGBT history month! Special tha...